Monday, November 8, 2010

Starting off with a BANG!

Hello, and welcome to THE TREASURE JUNKIE blog!

My name is Sandra and if  you read the lovely sidebar to your right that I slaved over for hours, you'll find out more about me - but more importantly, about Steve Huntsman, the artist behind the wonderful creations featured in the blog.

The first piece I'd like to talk about is this AMAZING oversized art piece. It currently lives in my dining room and everyone who walks in my house goes crazy over it!

Such an ingenious creation! He took an old pallet, filled in the gaps with other wood pieces. He then found a saying that is personal and inspiring, printed it out in amazing fonts and projected it onto his hand-made canvas.

The result is poignant and stunning. It's approximately 6' tall by 4' wide - quite an impressive size. It takes the place of a traditional hutch in our dining room. Yeah, like I have nice china to display! 

See - an angled view

I am SO in love with the pallet art. It's totally green - recyled wood, durable, unique and interesting. A fantastic focal point for our dining room. And more pallet art to come!!

Do you LOVE IT! Want it or one like it? We take requests! Please, email

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